Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Emotions of Intern Orientation

need to get to sleep because lots more orientation early tomorrow morning, but here's a little bit of what i've been feeling.

exhausting. we had a few visits from the lawyers letting us know how to keep the hospital and ourselves from getting sued, the psychiatrists to let us know that at least 30% of us will become depressed, and a representative from every department you can think of (interpreter services, infection control, parking, security). plus, there were lots of lines to get ID badges, TB tests, fingerprinting (!), pagers, etc. this is all balanced out by many social gatherings to meet the department and each other. however, i've been waking up at 11 am for the last two months, and i'm not used to paying attention to anything or anyone for eight hours a day. is it bad that i'm tired and chugging coffee already?

exciting. i got a little misty eyed when i got my name badge with "MD" written at the end. plus, all of my co-interns seem super cool and down to earth ... so far.

scary. our department chairman said that we are basically the face of the medicine department as we are the primary inpatient caregivers. a visit from the medical student clerkship director reminded us that we are an important part of the teaching apparatus. i recall that my intern on each clerkship was a crucial determinant of whether i had a good learning experience. oh, and now i have to evaluate and grade medical students when i was one just a few weeks ago.

currently reading: the brochures comparing different health and retirement plans. aiya!

1 comment:

Purulent Exudate said...

This isn't related to your post, but I was checking out the dryer balls in your link on saving money. They are really just little plastic balls? They look like my ferrets' playtoys! If they really do work I am going to buy them and phase out dryer sheets.

PS- I can't wait to see your nametag, Doctor!!